
Thursday, December 27, 2012

(belated) Merry Christmas!

I hope everyone had a fantastic Christmas.  Even having to work a small shift at work, I had a great day.  Presents, good food, and a lot of laughter.

Before the unwrapping

We always have a good Christmas; we go all out with gift-giving at Christmas compared to birthdays and such (and my birthday is a month away). I got several wished for items, including my own Shellie May, tickets for Swan Lake, and a TV (once it's set up, my family will probably never see me).  Our dog Kuma thought Shellie May was a new toy for her; I had to almost immediately put her in my room so that Kuma wouldn't try to grab her.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

I Live On

Hey everyone! I'm still alive. I had finals last week and now don't have to worry about school until January. Got all A's this quarter, which I'm very happy with, though I was worried a bit about my accounting class. I'm hoping to get back into blogging and reading the blogs I follow - kind of ignored everything for a while to focus on school.

Besides school, things have been alright. Work is work; we have a new manager who is doing an alright job and it's my third holiday season at PetSmart. We're in the middle of a lull before the holiday and then we're completely full until January.  I've actually been able to go out and meet up with friends on a somewhat regular which has been a lot of fun and a great way to relax.  I'm going to see the Nutcracker next week with a friend and we've been going out shopping to look for dresses. While that's been fun, is quite exhausting to be at a mall for 5 to 7 hours at a time - I only go to the mall if I know what I need to get in or out while my friend is quite the shopper. We keep finding some really great dresses but there was no way I was paying what it was asking

Just wanted to post something really quick and I hope to have something up at the beginning of next week. I'm currently on day 8 of a 10 day work streak, and ended up with a four day weekend so I'll have some time to work on something.  Til next time!