Another month gone, and fall is creeping up on us slowly. It's getting rather cool in the mornings so I'll have to start wearing a jacket soon when I leave for work. But I do love fall weather (until it becomes overcast 24/7), and fall fashion is always a lot of fun.
I'm very excited about going on vacation in a couple of weeks. Going to Disneyland for a few days after we go tour an art school that my sister Alyssa is considering. Classes also start at the same time so I'll have my laptop with me. Anyone interested in a Disney post?
Was able to go to Wednesday gaming this month. Since the gathering can run late (some people get distracted very easily, making the game run super long), I haven't been going cause I have to get ridiculously early for work.
Did a small Sephora haul. Got some tokidoki items that I'd been eyeing for a while (I'm sad that it's no longer going to be available - they always came out with really cute collections). And I finally bought myself a bottle of Benefit's Maybe Baby, a perfume I've always loved but never bought.
I was finally switched over to Timeline on Facebook. I held out for so long. Actually, this doesn't really affect me all that muc since I don't actually write status updates, but I really don't like the look of Timeline (and it can make navigating over pages rather troublesome in my opinion).
Didn't finish any books this time. I played a lot of hidato at work and all the books I currently have checked out from the library, I've lost all enthusiasm to read them.