
Friday, January 11, 2013

Ask Me Anything

So, I see a lot of 'ask me a question' posts on my Tumblr dash, and since I'm stuck in bed sick, I thought I would take the first one I say today and answer all the questions and post them here.  I actually have a 10 Pan Project Update post in the works but don't have the energy to really focus on it (I'll try to get that up in the next week or so).

Snow White: Do you consider yourself pretty? Name the part of your body you think is the most beautiful!
After I put my ‘face’ on, yes. I think my eyes are my best quality.
Cinderella: What is your shoe size?
9.5 or 10 depending on the shoe
Sleeping Beauty: How many hours do you sleep each night?
On the days I work, 5-6 hours; on my days off, 8 or more
Little Red Riding Hood: What is your favourite food?
I love food and will give a general answer: meat

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Glossybox: December 2012

So I haven't written up about my Glossyboxes for a while since the past few boxes just haven't been that interesting.  However, December's box was the best box I've gotten to date so I thought I would do a write up. It's a very generous box which is only fitting since it's the holiday box.

Madurai Jasmine & Mogra Bath and Shower Oil by Forest Essentials. I've been curious about bath oils for a while but have never bought one thinking it would be a pain to deal with.  This came sealed thankfully as it seemed to have spilled a bit inside the wrapping (how I have no idea).  It's quite a powerful scent but very nice (those who are big fans of jasmine would be happy with this).  I haven't tried it yet as I don't have any jasmine scented body products (and I don't want various fragrances to clash).  I would like to try the body wash in this scent as well.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year!

It's 2013! We've made it to another year and I'm hoping that it's a good one. I usually don't do much celebration wise; I ended up with a migraine and couldn't go over to hang out with friends. Christmas decorations were taken down a couple of days ago which always makes me sad. Tomorrow is the start of Winter Quarter which I hope goes well since I'm only taking two classes.

Does anybody have any resolutions for 2013? I gave up on making resolutions a couple of years ago but I've decided to try to do some this year:

Keeping this blog going: About halfway through Fall Quarter, I totally ignored my blog.  Was too busy keeping up with my classes and wasn't doing too much that would be interesting to write up on.  So I'm quite determined to keep writing on a regular basis (ha!) even with school and such.  I've decided to stop doing In Review posts mostly because I don't do much for long periods of time and because I feel I complain too much on those posts. My blog is a year old and I'm hoping to make it a little more put together.

Be more optimistic: I'm a rather pessimistic person. It's hard to look on the bright side of things when all the negative is right in your face and it doesn't look like things are going to change soon.  So, I'm trying to think of ways to be more positive. Be it in quotes, funny videos, or anything else I can think of. If you have any suggestions, please give them to me!

I'm turning 25 this year, and I'm kind of determined to make some big changes. If things go well, I'll be done with school by fall, will hopefully have a new job, and my biggest goal is to be able to move out.  Good luck to everyone! I hope 2013 is starting off well for you all.