
Saturday, April 25, 2015

Dewey's Read-A-Thon: Midevent Survey

1)  What are you reading right now?
      I have about a quarter left of "Shouldn't You Be in School?" by Lemony Snicket to finish

2)  How many books have you read so far?
     2, couldn't get into the third one

3)  What book are you most forward to for the second half of the Read-a-Thon?
      I might start to tackle The Child Thief by Brom

4)  Have you had many interruptions?  How did you deal with those?
     There was a movie watch-a-long planned for the day by House Glados of IGGPPC, which I really wanted to participate in so I just considered it a nice long extended lunch break.  I also used to it to write up a blog post and go through twitter and instagram.

5)  What surprises you most about the Read-a-thon, so far?
     That my initial plan for reading totally went out the window.  I'd thought I would have gone through more of my books to determine whether I should keep them or not, but I've read more than I'd thought I'd accomplish, so it's not a bad thing.

Dewey's Read-a-Thon: 1/3 Way Through

Well, we're a third way through the read-a-thon by now.  It's incredible how fast it goes!

I've finished two books up to this point: Zyword vol 1 by Tamayo Akiyama and Soulless by Gail Carriger.  I think I might just start all of my read-a-thon's with a manga - they're an easy, quick read to get things started and to help you wake up if you have an early morning start time.  Soulless was the one book that I was determined to finish fully since I've read the first book of the Finishing School series but I didn't realize until later that both series are set in the same world.  I'm not entirely sure if I'll continue the Parasol Protectorate but I did enjoy it (though I'm not a fan of the cover art).

Right now, I'm taking a break and  participating in a movie watch-a-long with my fellow Iggles.  The movie that won the vote is Howl's Moving Castle, which is definitely one of my favorite Ghibli films.  I had actually just finished the second chapter of the next book I had started, Trading in Danger by Elizabeth Moon right when we were supposed to start the movie!  I'm not entirely if I'll go back to it after the movie is done.  While I probably should give it a few more chapters before I make a final judgement, there's just not enough build up for me not just with getting introduced to the characters, but learning about the world itself.  Which is another issue I had with Parasol Protectorate - you have to make a lot of deductions about the way things are based of the little tidbits given.  These two books are also the first ones that I've read in a while that aren't in first person, so that could be a factor in how I'm perceiving the storytelling.

Page Count:
Zyword - 256
Soulless - 357
Trading in Danger - 38

Dewey's Read-a-thon April 2015 - Opening Meme

1) What fine part of the world are you reading from today?
     The Pacific Northwest - Washington State

2) Which book in your stack are you most looking forward to?
    Nothing is really jumping out, mostly because I'm using the readathon as a way to clean out my collection

3) Which snack are you most looking forward to?
     Did not prepare that far ahead this time around. Will be rummaging through the kitchen later.

4) Tell us a little somthing about yourself!
     I'm the oldest of 3

5)  If you participated in the least read-a-ton, what's one thing you'll do different today?  If this is your first read-a-thon, what are you most looking forward to?
     I'm going to try to be more active on leaving comments and cheering others on today - even though I'm not a cheerleader, I'd like to try to be more active on social media this time.

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Getting Ready To Read Again

The last time I sat down to read a book was probably back in October during the read-a-thon.  Since getting back into watching anime, I stopped bringing books with me to work and instead watching episodes on my phone during my breaks.  Lately though, I've been itching to go to the bookstore to pick up some new reads but have stopped myself with the reasoning that I shouldn't be buying any new books before I move (even if I'm not taking any of my books with me just yet).  I was certain that I wasn't going to be able to participate in the next Dewey's Read-a-Thon, but I was lucky to get actual weekends off for April.  So next Saturday, April 25, I'll be getting up and reading for 24 hours with plenty of blogging and posting on Instagram throughout the day.

I have a very specific goal I'd like to accomplish with this read-a-thon.  I love book swaps - I think any new book I have gotten in the past couple of years is in result of a book swap.  However, I haven't gotten around to actually reading a lot of them (aka - almost none).  So, I plan to at least read the first few chapters of every book I've received to determine whether I actually want to keep the book and finish it, or if the book is going to get donated.  It's a task that accommodates the fact that I need to continue to go through my things for my big move.  Some of the books are ones that I never would have picked up myself but I always say that I'm willing to try something new.

Is anyone else participating in the read-a-thon?

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Hello There

It's been quite some time since I've posted, even stopping in to look at the blog. When the holidays rolled around,work was insane, and I lost my motivation to do much of anything.  But I do still plan on trying to keep this blog going, but I know I need to make big changes.

I enjoy blogging but at the moment, I feel my blog is in limbo.  It's very random in the topic of posting, which at the time when I was blogging at a (somewhat) consistent rate was fine, but I'd like to bring a better focus in the future.  I originally started the blog to share updates on how I was doing while drying to complete the 101 Things in 1001 Days challenges, with some general posts along the way.  Having ignored the blog for so long, I expected that my current List of 101 Things would have 'expired', but it hasn't! I have about 11 months left, and I just updated The List to reflect goals that I've met or ones that failed.

I also started to blog as a way for me to work on my writing.  I really enjoy reading eloquent and engaging blog posts, and would love if I could reach a point where I could feel proud of my writing.  I've considered making a secondary blog, which would cover my fandom interests, favorite products, and general topics that wouldn't quite fit into my undetermined focus for this blog.

In other news, I will be crossing of one big goal off of The List this year - I'm moving!  I'll be going down to Los Angeles.  I'm very excited and absolutely terrified.  It'll be the first drastic move away from my family.  I feel that the move will (hopefully) motivate myself to be excited about living life again and maybe figure out what I'd like to do in terms of career (I do not want to be stuck in customer service).  And I'd be closer to Disney, so there's a plus right there.  I've started the long process of going through belongings and deciding what stays and goes and for the most part, it's not as difficult as I thought it would be (except when it comes to stuff animals).

Here's to a new start for this blog!