
Sunday, January 1, 2012

#73: Read 200 books

Of all the items on the list, this is the one that I've been the most successful at. I love to read - there's really nothing better than curling up and getting lost in a book.
The genres I mostly read are Scifi and Fantasy, with Mystery and Horror following close behind. I also enjoy reading non-fiction: mostly sociology or pyschology focused books, but I also enjoy history and memoirs.  I credit my Dad for a lot of my taste in books, usually in regards to scifi/fantasy.

I've been rather bad in keeping track of what I've read so far. I'm going to create an account at Goodreads which will hopefully cure that.  But currently, here's what I've read since the start of this list (I'm sure there are more, but this is what I can think of at the top of my head or looking at my bookshelf):

The Nightside Series #5-11
Series of Unfortunate Events 1-3
The Kinsey Milhone series H-U
The Red Pyramid
Confessions of a Part-time Sorceress
365 Thank Yous
The Grimm Legacy
A Tale Dark and Grimm
The Colour of Magic
The Affinity Bridge
Rosemary and Rue (Octaber Daye series)
Assassins Creed: Brotherhood
Assassins Creed: Renaissance
The Dark Tower I: The Gunslinger
Extraordinary Engines
The Year's Best Scienc Fiction Third Annual Collection
Debt-Free Forever: Take Control of Your Money & Your Life
Why We Buy: The Science of Shopping
No Place Like Home: A Memoir in 39 Apartments
The Man Who Ate Everything
Bare: The Naked Truth about Stripping
The Emerald Atlas
Hobo: A Young Man's Thoughts on Trains and Tramping in America

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